Turn-Key Installations
Our highly skilled installation teams can handle any project, regardless of size, environment, or location.
Our extensive experience includes installations of:
Thermal Oxidizers
Dust collection systems
Exhaust and ventilation systems
Wet air pollution control equipment
High temperature air pollution control equipment
Chemical processing systems
Plating/etching Lines
Conveyor and material handling systems

Pro-MEC Engineering Services, Inc. specializes in field services and can complete any project, large or small. Our expertise includes maintenance, preventative maintenance, system startup and troubleshooting in the following:
Media change outs, including scrubbers and RTO's
​Emergency services in both air pollution and material handling.
Chemical Processing Systems
Plating/Etching Lines
Controls and Programming
Baggage handling and jet bridges for airports

Onsite Repairs
Pro-MEC works with customers on both scheduled and emergency repairs. Our highly skilled technicians are on-call to assist you when it counts most!

Destroyed Industrial Fan

Turn-Key Projects
Pro-MEC will work with our customers and their equipment to tailor programs specifically to their equipment and permits. Do not let your equipment go too long without being serviced.
No project is too big for Pro-MEC's team to handle. Learn more about the Pro-MEC Advantage and why Pro-MEC is a lead contractor for your equipment installation.